It seems that the terrorist era has entered a new phase. A 57-year old Palestenian woman has blown herself up in an attempt to kill Israeli soldiers. You can read the original story here.
Reuters reports: "The armed wing of the governing Hamas movement took responsibility for the attempted suicide bombing and identified the woman as Fatima al-Nejar. Her family said she had nine children and nearly 30 grandchildren. She is the first known Palestinian grandmother to attempt a suicide bombing against Israelis.
"I'm very proud of what she did. Allahu akbar (God is great)," said one of her sons, Fuad, 31.
On a Hamas-released video, the woman read a statement saying she wanted to dedicate her death to Palestinians held in Israeli jails and to Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas.
She wore a black suicide belt and had an M-16 assault rifle slung over her neck. "I offer myself as a sacrifice to God and to the homeland," she said.""
In the past terrorists have used children and older people simply as human shields.
But now it seems the game has changed. The shields are no longer shields only, they are now being trained to be assault weapons in the arsenals of Islamofascist's war against Israel and humanity.
Islamic children are trained to hate and kill Jews from the time they are young. Watch this disturbing video:
Now, with the suicide death of Fatima al-Nejar, older people take their own place in the terrorist hall of shame.
Politicians continue to use the term radical Islam. I have been using it myself. But I'm beginning to wonder: are there any other forms of Islam? Where are the "moderate" Islamic teachers who denounce the suicide bombings and fascist propaganda coming out of the Middle East? When you see a grandmother of 30 children becoming a suicide bomber, what will cross your mind next time you find yourself at a busy mall or an airport with some older Arab lady nearby.
Now, the amazing thing is this: when we warn others of the dangers of Islamofascists, they act like their feelings are so hurt by our warnings.
Enough games, I say! These perverts laugh at the civilized world when we talk about everyone having the right to speak and worship. They have become such professional manipulators of our democratic system and way of life.
Now hear this: beware of older Islamic ladies! We already know what they may be up to.
Georg P. Bakalov
Muslim demonstrators in London show what they
stand for
The way to bring up True Muslims according to this Saudi Arabian TV. Brainwashing Muslim kids with the message of violence is the root cause of the "problem" of the Middle East.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Beware of 57-year old grandma terrorists
‘Inspector Borat’ looking for Jew hatred in all the wrong places
by Charles Krauthammer
"Borat" is many things: a sidesplitting triumph of slapstick and scatology, a runaway moneymaker and budding franchise, the worst thing to happen to Kazakhstan since the Mongol hordes, and, as columnist David Brooks astutely points out, a supreme display of elite snobbery reveling in the humiliation of the hoaxed hillbilly.
But it is one thing more, something Brooks alluded to in passing but that requires at least one elaboration: an unintentionally revealing demonstration of the unfortunate attitude many have toward working-class American Christians, especially evangelicals.
You know the shtick. Borat goes around America making anti-Semitic remarks in order to elicit a nodding anti-Semitic response. And with enough liquor and cajoling, he succeeds. In the most notorious such scene (on "Da Ali G Show," where the character was born), Borat sings "Throw the Jew Down the Well" in an Arizona bar as the local rubes join in.
Sacha Baron Cohen, the creator of Borat, revealed his purpose for doing that in a rare out-of-character interview he granted Rolling Stone in part to counter charges that he was promoting anti-Semitism. On the face of it, this would be odd, given that Cohen is himself a Sabbath-observing Jew. His defense is that he is using Borat's anti-Semitism as a "tool" to expose it in others. And that his Arizona bar stunt revealed, if not anti-Semitism, then "indifference" to anti-Semitism. And that, he maintains, was the path to the Holocaust.
Whoaaaa. Does he really believe such rubbish? Can a man that smart (Cambridge, investment banker and now brilliant filmmaker) really believe that indifference to anti-Semitism and the road to the Holocaust are to be found in a country-and-western bar in Tucson?
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world.
With anti-Semitism reemerging in Europe and rampant in the Islamic world; with Iran acquiring the ultimate weapon of genocide and proclaiming its intention to wipe out the world's largest Jewish community (Israel); with America and, in particular, its Christian evangelicals the only remaining Gentile constituency anywhere willing to defend that besieged Jewish outpost — is the American heartland really the locus of anti-Semitism? Is this the one place to go to find it?
In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez says that the "descendants of the same ones that crucified Christ" have "taken possession of all the wealth in the world." Just this month, Tehran hosted an international festival of Holocaust cartoons featuring enough hooked noses and horns to give Goebbels a posthumous smile. Throughout the Islamic world, newspapers and television, schoolbooks and sermons are filled with the most vile anti-Semitism.
Baron Cohen could easily have found what he seeks closer to home. He is, after all, from Europe, where synagogues are torched and cemeteries desecrated in a revival of anti-Semitism — not "indifference" to but active — unseen since the Holocaust. Where a Jew is singled out for torture and death by French-African thugs. Where a leading Norwegian intellectual — et tu, Norway? — mocks "God's Chosen People" ("We laugh at this people's capriciousness and weep at its misdeeds") and calls for the destruction of Israel, the "state founded . . . on the ruins of an archaic national and warlike religion."
Yet, amid this gathering darkness, an alarming number of liberal Jews are seized with the notion that the real threat lurks deep in the hearts of American Protestants, most specifically Southern evangelicals. Some fear that their children are going to be converted; others, that below the surface lies a pogrom waiting to happen; still others, that the evangelicals will take power in Washington and enact their own sharia law.
This is all quite crazy. America is the most welcoming, religiously tolerant, philo-Semitic country in the world. No nation since Cyrus the Great's Persia has done more for the Jews. And its reward is to be exposed as latently anti-Semitic by an itinerant Jew looking for laughs and, he solemnly assures us, for the path to the Holocaust?
Look. Harry Truman used to tell derisive Jewish jokes. Richard Nixon said nasty things about Jews in government and elsewhere. Who cares? Truman and Nixon were the two greatest friends of the Jews in the entire postwar period: Truman secured them a refuge in the state of Israel, and Nixon saved it from extinction during the Yom Kippur War.
It is very hard to be a Jew today, particularly in Baron Cohen's Europe, where Jew-baiting is once again becoming acceptable. But it is a sign of the disorientation of a distressed and confused people that we should find it so difficult to distinguish our friends from our enemies.
original article published at:
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Against all odds: Iraqi women's participation in the nation building process
This is an incredible report by Manal Omar, the Regional Director for Women for Women International ( Ms. Omar speaks about the many challenges and victories of Iraqi women in securing their rights, highlighting the clear decline in the status of women's rights since 2003. She based her talk on the findings of a household survery conducted in May 2004 and observation and fieldwork in Iraq since July 2003, including direct contact with the female leadership and women's organizations in Iraq.