full time position (NIS 76 per day) (roughly $18.85), compared to an
average wage of NIS 7,920 (roughly $1,964) paid in Israel (NIS 360 -
roughly $89 - per day, including part time workers)." (Ynet News,
10/17/07) The data was collected in the Palestinian Authority by the
New Family organization.
The data also showed, that the average monthly wage among
Palestinians in the West Bank is NIS 1,720 (roughly $426) a month.
206,000 Palestinians are unemployed - a total of 23.6% of
Palestinians from the territories who are part of the workforce
(workers and job seekers). According to the study, 63.1% of Gaza
residents live below the UN poverty line.
The question that arises is, "Where do the hundreds of millions of
dollars in international support to the Palestinians go?" Surely if
they went to the poor, the situation would be different! But we all
know where the money goes... it's just that no one wants to say it
out loud for the fear it will then have to be acknowledged and acted
on. Interestingly enough, yesterday, the trial of the Holy Land
Foundation ended in a mistrial, as the jurors were not able to reach
a unanimous verdict for the members of this organization, suspected
of financing terrorist organizations.