Muslim demonstrators in London show what they stand for

The way to bring up True Muslims according to this Saudi Arabian TV. Brainwashing Muslim kids with the message of violence is the root cause of the "problem" of the Middle East.


Friday, January 30, 2009

FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions

FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions

by Mary Jacoby
IPT News
January 29, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A false icon

by Tomas Sandell

The iconic picture from the current conflict in Gaza has been that of a courageous Norwegian doctor saving Palestinian lives. Here he is, the only westerner in Gaza, who is able to not only save lives but also run his own news agency out of a hospital, informing Western media about what is "really" happening and - here is the catch - who is to be blamed, namely Israel.

Like millions of other people I have seen these images on the evening news, and I have read about his eyewitness reports day after day. After all, there were no other "reliable sources" available in Gaza, it was said. At first I watched this new Bernard Kouchner personality with great admiration. But then it occurred to me. Something was not right. Why did the doctor seem more interested in explaining who was right and who was wrong than in saving lives? Most humanitarian relief workers are there to save lives. Most leave it at this. Explaining who is right and who is wrong is not their call, but to save lives and ease the suffering.

So I googled 'Mads Gilbert.' The profile I discovered on Wikipedia was not one of a humanitarian icon but that of a political activist with a clear Marxist agenda. His convictions were those of the extreme left; he had accused both the US and Israel of war crimes long before the current military operation in Gaza.

IN FACT, the doctor who was trying to alert the world about the human suffering in Gaza had in 2001 the following to say about the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Question: So do you support this terrorist attack on the US? Answer: "Terror is a bad weapon but my answer is yes" (Wikipedia).

This had to be a scam. I did what every concerned citizen would have done. I called the responsible editor of the evening news and of the main daily where I live. Did they know? No they did not. Were they going to do anything to correct the news reports? Answer: What is there to correct?

We live in a cynical world which is shaped by iconic images. People remember pictures. The first man on the moon, JFK being shot in Dallas and now the courageous Norwegian doctor in Gaza explaining to the world the atrocities of Israel. These are the images that will remain in the collective memory of people for years to come and will shape their perception of the conflict in Gaza. Even a small correction will not do much to change the public opinion which has already been shaped, influenced by the images in the news reports. The false icon will remain.

MADS GILBERT may be a good surgeon, but his values are not those of a humanitarian. When he appears in the news as the "accidental hero," we need to learn about his other credentials as well. How trustworthy are his claims? Was he involved in other missions to help the Palestinian people than simply medical work and public relations? We do not know. What we do know by now is that Mads Gilbert and his friend Erik Fosse did not end up in Gaza by accident. They did not come only to help out in a hospital but with a clear political agenda to sell. And they did it very successfully because in Marxist theory the means justify the end. The truth is secondary.

But this text is not about Mads Gilbert. It is about how helpless most of us are when we are exposed to world events where it is impossible for us to know who is telling the truth and who is not. Gilbert may be multitalented (running a hospital and a press agency at the same time is no small venture), but he does not have multiple personalities. He can not be a humanitarian one minute and a cynical political activist the next. When he puts all the blame on Israel, he probably does so out of the convictions that the US and Israel are legitimate targets for terrorist attacks as he has stated in his native Norway. But Norway is far away from the news desks in Washington, Paris and London.

Nevertheless, I hope they will report the following news item. The Norwegian doctor in Gaza is a false icon.

The writer is the founding director of European Coalition for Israel. He has been an accredited journalist to the European Commission in Brussels and is a former director of the European Network of Humanitarian Relief Agencies.

The writer is the founding director of European Coalition for Israel. He has been an
accredited journalist to the European Commission in Brussels and is a former director of the
European Network of Humanitarian Relief Agencies.

Source: The Jerusalem Post

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bulgaria expels high ranking cleric on national security concerns

The Bulgarian government has extradited Adem Yerinde from the country. The Bulgarian State Security Agency held and interrogated the Turkish Muslim cleric for three hours last week. The government has said that the reason for the harsh measures was because Yerinde is a “threat to national security”.

The cleric, who was a deputy-dean of the Islamic institute for higher education in the capital Sofia, was also responsible for staff recruitment and financing of three regional Islamic schools in Bulgaria.

The Bulgarian and the Turkish authorities have not given further explanation into the matter, but the Turkish Foreign Ministry and the Embassy of Turkey in Sofia have reportedly attempted to block the extradition.

Information leaked last week that the associate principle in one of the regional Islamic schools in Bulgaria demanded from girls to cover their heads with Islamic headscarfs, which might be connected with the extradition of Adem Yerinde.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hamas terrorists kill innocent Palestinian in Gaza (Rare Video) (Must See)

1) Hamas is a totalitarian, terrorist, Islamofascist organization

2) Hamas is exploiting the Palestinian Arabs

3) Hamas are murderers and criminals

4) Hamas hate not only Israel, but also the West, yes the same West who is protesting on their behalf


Monday, January 12, 2009

Militant islamists in Copenhagen chant "Heil Hitler" and "Death to Israel"

Alla-hu Akbar, Alla-hu Akbar
Hitler! Heil Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! …
We must just kill all those Jews, man! Then we'd be rid of them, man!
All Jews, man, they will never be loved, never loved.
We are prepared for everything! Prepared for everything! It is you [shouting].
[Interrupting] Give us some Jews!
Now listen up. Now you go home, treading [??] where you want. If you meet some Jews.
[Interrupting] We fuck them, man!
Tell them how many they've killed.
Tell them how all Arabs from Copenhagen, how all Arabs from [??], how all Arabs from Hitler, how their punishment will be, for the blood of the Palestinians.
[Assorted shouting, including:] Fucking Jews, man!
Death to Israel.
Kill the Jews.
Allah-hu Akbar
Israel under my foot, Palestine in my blood!
Muhammad Rasul Allah! [Muhammad prophet of Allah!]
Down, down Israel! Down, down Israel!
Down, down USA! Down, down USA!
Viva, viva Palestine! Viva, viva Palestine!
[The banner reads:] Is this defense?
Viva, viva Palestine! Viva, viva Palestine!
Give us some Jews! Give us some Jews! [Explosion heard]
Israel under my foot, Palestine in my blood! Israel under my foot, Palestine in my blood!
[Arabic – probably a Khaybar reference]


Militant islamists chant "Hail Hitler" and

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gaza war - January 11 Update

Israel has damaged the Hamas infrastructure, but not enough to bring the terrorists to their knees. U.S. did not veto the UN Security Council resolution demanding Israel to stop its assault on Gaza, but did not even mention Hamas by name! The U.S. abstained, allowing the resolution to pass, a very worrying signal for Israel, who wonders if the U.S. is about to give in to world pressure. Fortunately for Israel, Hamas has refused to observe the UN resolution, which gives Israel the opportunity to continue fighting Hamas. Meanwhile, Egypt is at this moment trying to create a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.
If Israel does not have the chance to bring Hamas down, the rockets will continue and Israel will have to fight Hamas again another day. Because they are fanatical Islamists, they will not change their ideology to destroy Israel.

Even though Israel still has a short-term window at this time to bring down Hamas, Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, is hesitating to go into his “Phase Three,” sending reserve troops into areas more built up, where Hamas’s central headquarters and operations are. Indeed, Israel’s military is saying that it will be a disaster (like what happened when Israel hesitated in the Lebanese war against Hizbullah) if the IDF does not finish its job.

The goal presented to the Israeli public at the beginning of the war was that Israel had to deal a strong enough blow to Hamas that the terrorist group would no longer launch rockets to Israel (which it has been doing for 8 years) and that all of the tunnels between Egypt and Gaza would be destroyed and not rebuilt, so that Hamas could not rearm itself.

Israel has definitely not achieved these results, while the UN and Europe are breathing down Israel’s back, demanding a cease-fire, and the U.S. is weakening its resolve. In a few days, Barack Obama will be sworn in, and it appears he is bent (from his speech today) on forging a cease-fire as quickly as he can as he assumes presidency.

The good news today is that no Israeli soldiers were killed or hospitalized, and few Palestinians were killed.

Another great miracle that happened today was at a kindergarten in Ashkelon. It was the first day that children had been allowed to come back to school since the war began two weeks ago. The kindergarten received a direct hit, but all the children had gone down to the bomb shelter and were saved.

The world press does not have a lot of pictures of wounded and killed Israeli citizens because the population in the southern part of Israel is very strong and very disciplined. When the sirens go off (which they do many times a day) everyone runs to their shelter, or if they do not have one, to a stairwell.

Please pray that God will be a Help and a Shield to Israel and save her soldiers and her citizens from her enemies that have sworn to destroy her.

Pray that all diplomatic efforts that would cause Israel to lose this war would come to nothing.

Pray that God will guide Israel’s leadership in conducting this war successfully.

Pray for God’s protection on innocent Palestinians, but that the Hamas terrorists would be taken out.

Pray for many opportunities for believers throughout the country to witness to our fellow citizens.


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

French network apologizes for Gaza report

PARIS (JTA) -- A French television network has apologized for erroneously broadcasting a false report on Israel's Gaza operation.

Assisted by an anonymous posting, the French news blogger site Le Post proved a report Monday by France 2 television used an outdated amateur video of Palestinian casualties from an accidental truck explosion as current footage demonstrating the violence in Gaza.

France 2 also was responsible for a September 2000 report, accused of being a fake, of the supposed shooting death of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, Mohammed al-Dura, by the Israeli army.

In the new video, the truck in question contained bombs belonging to Hamas and exploded on Sept. 23, 2005. Intended to illustrate the extent of Web reports on the Israeli offensive in Gaza, the video shows dead bodies of toddlers being laid out on a white sheet.

By Monday, Etienne Leenhardt, the joint director responsible for investigative reports, apologized to Le Post journalists for "an error on our part."

"The person who prepared the topic went too fast," he said. "It reminds us that we must be very attentive on verifying sources."

Leenhardt told Le Post that the network would apologize on its Tuesday afternoon daily report.

Meanwhile, a committee of independent experts is being formed to decide whether the video of the al-Dura shooting is indeed a fake. That video roused anti-Israel and anti-Semitic feelings across the globe, even fueling the subsequent mob lynching of two Israeli soldiers.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Hamas terrorists hiding behind kids

Terroristas palestinos de Hamas
Originally uploaded by ajopringue

Every normal person would want kids FAR AWAY from weapons, explosive, danger. Period. Not HAMAS! The cowards would rather abuse kids, hide behind them and endanger their lives.

Palestinian Child Abuse Hamas

Palestinian Child Abuse Hamas / Abuso infantil niño palestino Hamas
Originally uploaded by ajopringue

How many Jewish children have you EVER seen carrying a rifle? HAMAS is guilty of not only taking lives, but also ruining the lives of kids like this one.