Muslim demonstrators in London show what they stand for

The way to bring up True Muslims according to this Saudi Arabian TV. Brainwashing Muslim kids with the message of violence is the root cause of the "problem" of the Middle East.


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Has Condi Rice not seen videos like this?

MY TAKE: Condi Rise is one sharp lady. She has been a lifelong
student of Russia, which is of course great. However, I'm a little
concerned that she compares the USSR and the Communist ideology to
the modern Islamofascists. I also think we have to be positive and
work to offer a better future to the Arabs, whether the Palestinian
Arabs or any other Arab people. But let's not forget some of the
radicals who flew those plane on 9/11 were university students!

I've always said it: a hungry evil man, when he gets his belly full,
is a full evil man. Likewise, an uneducated Islamofascist, when he
gets educated (a very stretchy idea in and of itself), simply becomes
an educated Islamofascist. Cal Thomas points out well the level of
indoctrination the Palestinians take their kids through. Watch this
YouTube video from my "Islam" playlist on YouTube:

Condi comes clean on her Middle East views
By Cal Thomas

QUESTION: You're all over the conservative Jewish blogs for remarks you made recently on the Palestinian state, your commitment to it, living side by side with Israel, and that's been the policy of the Administration since day one.


QUESTION: I'd like to know what evidence you have — I read, and I know you do and a lot more than I do, the sermons, the editorials in the Middle East, the right of return idea, which a lot of people think is just basically overwhelming for a Jewish population with millions and millions of Arabs in the so-called Diaspora. What evidence do you have that teaching their schoolchildren at the ages of four and five to be martyrs, to show up in their little uniforms with plastic guns and their headbands, textbooks one grenade plus two grenades equals, you know, three grenades — what evidence do you have out there that if they had an independent state that they would lay down their arms and not complete the mission of killing the Jews and throwing them out?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, you can look at any opinion poll in the Palestinian territories and 70 percent of the people will say they're perfectly ready to live side by side with Israel because they just want to live in peace. And when it comes right down to it, yeah, there are plenty of extremists in the Palestinian territories who are not going to be easily dealt with. They have to be dealt with — Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the Palestinian territories — they're terrorists and they have to be dealt with as terrorists.

But the great majority of Palestinian people — this is — I've been with these people. The great majority of people, they just want a better life. This is an educated population. I mean, they have a kind of culture of education and a culture of civil society. I just don't believe mothers want their children to grow up to be suicide bombers. I think the mothers want their children to grow up to go to university. And if you can create the right conditions, that's what people are going to do.

QUESTION: Do you think this or do you know this?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, I think I know it.

QUESTION: You think you know it?

SECRETARY RICE: I think I know it.

QUESTION: Is it because — do you think you know it because you want to believe it or do you think you know it because of conversations with tens, scores, hundreds

SECRETARY RICE: Well, lots of conversations with Palestinians. But also it's — look, if human beings don't want a better future, don't want their children to grow up in peace and have opportunities, then none of this is going to work anyway. But I really believe that the people of the Middle East — not the extremists — want the same things that everyone else wants. I haven't seen a society yet where it wasn't true. Let me put it that way. I haven't seen a society yet where ordinary people, given an opportunity, wouldn't opt for a better life and for peace.

QUESTION: But then you have this incredible religious component which says, you know, your guarantee for heaven is if you blow somebody up.

SECRETARY RICE: Yeah, except for those leaders who don't seem to be so anxious to lead the surge and go to paradise.

QUESTION: Oh, of course they don't. No, they have plenty of recruits.

SECRETARY RICE: Yeah, they do have plenty of recruits. But the ideology, that kind of ideology of hatred and hopelessness does not have a chance against an ideology of hope and a better future. We just have to realize that because of the way that the politics of the Middle East has developed for the last 60 years, that ideology of hope and a better future has not been there.

I don't believe that most people in the Middle East really want to blow themselves up and believe in this ideology any more than most Russians actually wanted to believe in international communism. There are always extremists who are going to do that. There are always ideologues who are going to believe and they are always going to recruit from a pool of disaffected people. So you both have to lessen the pool of disaffected people, give them alternatives, and people choose other paths. I just don't see a society yet where that hasn't been the case.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Dark Ages — live from the Middle East!

The Dark Ages — live from the Middle East!

By Victor Davis Hanson

The most frightening aspect of the present war is how easily our pre-modern enemies from the Middle East have brought a stunned postmodern world back into the Dark Ages.Students of history are sickened when they read of the long-ago, gruesome practice of beheading. How brutal were those societies that chopped off the heads of Cicero, Sir Thomas More and Marie Antoinette. And how lucky we thought we were to have evolved from such elemental barbarity.

Twenty-four hundred years ago, Socrates was executed for unpopular speech. The 18th-century European Enlightenment gave people freedom to express views formerly censored by clerics and the state. Just imagine what life was like once upon a time when no one could write music, compose fiction or paint without court or church approval? Ancient Greek literary characters, from Lysistrata to Antigone, reflected the struggle for sexual equality. The subsequent notion that women could vote, divorce, dress or marry as they pleased was a millennia-long struggle.

It is almost surreal now to read about the elemental hatred of Jews in the Spanish Inquisition, 19th-century Russian pogroms or the Holocaust. Yet here we are revisiting the old horrors of the savage past.

Beheading? As we saw with Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl, our Neanderthal enemies in the Middle East have resurrected that ancient barbarity — and married it with 21st-century technology to beam the resulting gore instantaneously onto our computer screens. Xerxes and Attila, who stuck their victims' heads on poles for public display, would've been thrilled by such a gruesome show.

Who would have thought centuries after the Enlightenment that sophisticated Europeans — in fear of radical Islamists — would be afraid to write a novel, put on an opera, draw a cartoon, film a documentary or have their pope discuss comparative theology? The astonishing fact is not just that millions of women worldwide in 2006 are still veiled from head-to-toe, trapped in arranged marriages, subject to polygamy, honor killings and forced circumcision, or are without the right to vote or appear alone in public. What is more baffling is that in the West, liberal Europeans are often wary of protecting female citizens from the excesses of Sharia law — sometimes even fearful of asking women to unveil their faces for purposes of simple identification and official conversation.

Who these days is shocked that Israel is hated by Arab nations and threatened with annihilation by radical Iran? Instead, the surprise is that even in places like Paris or Seattle, Jews are singled out and killed for the apparent crime of being Jewish. Since Sept. 11, the West has fought enemies who are determined to bring back the nightmarish world that we thought was long past. And there are lessons Westerners can learn from radical Islamists' ghastly efforts.

First, the Western liberal tradition is fragile and can still disappear. Just because we have sophisticated cell phones, CAT scanners and jets does not ensure that we are permanently civilized or safe. Technology used by the civilized for positive purposes can easily be manipulated by barbarians for destruction.

Second, the Enlightenment is not always lost on the battlefield. It can be surrendered through either fear or indifference as well. Westerners fearful of terrorist reprisals themselves shut down a production of a Mozart opera in Berlin deemed offensive to Muslims. Few came to the aid of a Salman Rushdie or Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh when their unpopular expression earned death threats from Islamists. Van Gogh, of course, was ultimately killed.

The Goths and Vandals did not sack Rome solely through the power of their hordes; they also relied on the paralysis of Roman elites who no longer knew what it was to be Roman — much less whether it was any better than the alternative.

Third, civilization is forfeited with a whimper, not a bang. Insidiously, we have allowed radical Islamists to redefine the primordial into the not-so-bad. Perhaps women in head-to-toe burkas in Europe prefer them? Maybe that crass German opera was just too over the top after all? Aren't both parties equally to blame in the Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan wars?

To grasp the flavor of our own Civil War, impersonators now don period dress and reconstruct the battles of Shiloh or Gettysburg. But we need no so such historical reenactment of the Dark Ages. You see, they are back with us — live almost daily from the Middle East.

Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and military historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University

originally published by 

Friday, October 20, 2006

George Soros takes aim at Israel


Did you know that at the time of the Inquisition, one of the greatest, most cruel persecutors of the Jews was in fact a man with Jewish bloodline. Call it perversion, hating yourself, whatever, the fact is that there are people who will come out against well being of the very people they came from. It all depends on where is your identity really. Some of the greatest America haters are brainwashed socialist, ultra-liberal Americans.

Say a prayer for Soros! Wth all the money he has, he could be doing good instead of mad things.

* * * * * *

George Soros Takes Aim at Israel

Billionaire investor George Soros is leading a move to stitch together an American Jewish political lobby that is "anti-Israel,” according to a column in the Jerusalem Post.

Soros, who spent millions attempting to defeat President Bush in 2004, is one of a "tiny minority of American Jews” who have played a role in undermining support for Israel in the Democratic Party, and they now seek "to undermine Israel’s position in the U.S. in general,” Caroline Glick writes in the Post.

Soros has invited another American Jewish billionaire, Peter Lewis, along with "North American Jewish plutocrats” like Charles and Edgar Bronfman, to join forces with him and leftist Jewish American organizations – including American Friends of Peace Now, the Israel Policy Forum and Brit Tzedek v’Shalom – to construct a political lobby that will weaken the influence of the pro-Israel lobby.

"Many of the individuals and organizations associated with the initiative have actively worked to undermine Israel,” Glick writes.

"Soros caused a storm in 2003 when, during a fund-raising conference for Israel, he alleged that Israel was partially responsible for the rise in anti-Semitic violence in Europe because of its harsh response to Palestinian terrorism.”

Glick also points out that in November 2005, the leaders of the Israel Policy Forum met with Condoleezza Rice and urged her to dismiss Israel's security concerns regarding two of the Gaza Strip's border crossing points. As a result, Rice pressured Israel to make dangerous concessions to the Palestinians.

And after Hamas' electoral victory in January, American Friends of Peace Now, Israel Policy Forum and Brit Tzedek v'Shalom worked to shield the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority from Congressional sanctions.

Together they worked to torpedo the Palestinian Anti-Terror Act, which enjoyed overwhelming support in the Congress and was designed to update American policy toward the Palestinian Authority in the wake of Hamas' ascendance to power.

Among its provisions, the bill called for an immediate end to U.S. assistance to nongovernmental and U.N. organizations operating in the PA that had connections to terrorist organizations.

Due to the lobbying efforts of the "Jewish leftists,” the Palestinian Anti-Terror Act was eventually scuttled, Glick notes, adding:

"Soros would like to institutionalize the ad-hoc coalition's success in undermining the Palestinian Anti-Terror Act in a new lobby.

"While its Jewish founders insist that they are pro-Israel, the fact of the matter is that they are about to establish an American Jewish anti-Israel lobby.”

this was originally published at, sorry I forgot to copy the url

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The U.S. administration funding Abbas and his army...again?

Dear Lord, are you all hearing this? What's going on? The U.S.
administration funding Abbas and his army...again?

As reported by Caroline B. Glick

History's dangerous repetition

By Caroline B. Glick

It would seem that Karl Marx got things backwards. History does not
repeat itself first as tragedy and then as farce. Rather, it repeats
itself first as farce and second as tragedy. This, perhaps more than
anything else is the conclusion one should reach from North Korea's
nuclear test on Columbus Day.

It was the Clinton administration, which back in the Roaring '90s
began the policy of appeasing North Korea. Throughout the decade the
US wined and dined the North Korean Stalinists who always responded
by pocketing US concessions and escalating their nuclear and
ballistic missile activities and threats against the US and its Asian

The farce was then US secretary of state Madeleine Albright's visit
to Pyongyang in late October 2000, two weeks before the US
presidential elections. There, after the North Koreans tested the
Taepo-Dong 1 ballistic missile off the coast of Japan in 1998 and
refused to end either their missile programs or missile exports to
Iran, Albright tripped the night fantastic with Kim Jong-Il. Her
buffoonery was a perfect capstone to eight years of the Clinton
administration's addiction to ceremony over substance.

While America's tone towards North Korea chilled under the Bush
administration, there was little substantive change in its policies.

Secretary of state Colin Powell met with his North Korean counterpart
Pak Nam Sun and to this day US attempts to strike a deal with
Pyongyang have not ended. And now, Pyongyang, with its medium- and
long-range ballistic missiles, has tested a nuclear bomb.

THERE IS of course also North Korea's ally Iran. Toward Iran, too,
the substance of the Bush administration policies is little different
from that of his predecessor. Like North Korea, the Iranians respond
to US attempts at appeasement by escalating their rhetoric and
redoubling their offensive military build-ups of missiles and nuclear

The great shift, then which occurred under the Bush administration, a
shift for which President George W. Bush has been pilloried by his
political rivals, has been rhetorical.

While hypocritical, the division between rhetoric and substance has
something to recommend it. The benefit of the current US position
toward North Korea and Iran is that the rhetoric has left open the
possibility that the policy itself will finally be suited to reality.
Today, unlike the situation in the 1990s, the American public is at
least aware that these states are a threat to US national security

In the aftermath of North Korea's nuclear bomb test, the US can
support military actions by Japan and South Korea against North
Korea; build up its missile shield; and perhaps end its 14 year self-
imposed moratorium on nuclear testing and so revamp its nuclear arsenal.

Were the Bush administration to change its policy tomorrow regarding
Iran — begin shaming Europe into ending its appeasement, and
threatening Russia with trade sanctions if Moscow continues
supporting Iran, Syria and Hizbullah, while building up its military
options to strike at Iran's nuclear installations — the American
public would understand why the policy change was necessary. Indeed,
such a move could even help the Republican Party in the upcoming

DISTURBINGLY, WHILE Bush has paved the way rhetorically for a shift
in policy toward North Korea and Iran, he has done no such thing in
the US's relations with the terror-ruled Palestinian Authority. And
as is the case with Iran and North Korea, the stubborn and ill-
considered continuation of the Clinton administration's appeasement
policy toward the PA during the Bush years has only exacerbated and
escalated the threat posed by the PA to US national security
interests and to the national security of US allies — first and
foremost, of Israel.

In the 1990s, the father of modern terrorism, Yasser Arafat, was the
most frequent foreign visitor at the White House. The head of the PLO
was the object of adoration by the Clintonites. It didn't matter to
them that Arafat never revoked the PLO Charter calling for Israel's
destruction. It didn't matter that he indoctrinated a generation of
Palestinian children to become suicide bombers in jihad against the
Jews. It didn't matter that he used billions of dollars of American
and European taxpayer money to build the largest terror army in the
world. Arafat showed up at signing ceremonies. He was the poster
child of appeasement.

The Clinton administration tied itself to a policy toward the
Palestinians which, like its policies toward North Korea and Iran,
opened it to ever escalating blackmail. As the terror threat
emanating from the PA-ruled areas rose, empowering Arafat became the
obsession of the Clinton White House. He was showered with money,
guns and love. No Israeli security consideration could hold a candle
to the need to strengthen Arafat.

From bombing to bombing, Arafat was enriched and empowered. Israel's
security became the main obstacle to the signing ceremonies.

After seven years, the myth of Arafat the peacemaker exploded in the
faces of more than a thousand Israelis who would be killed over the
next six years of the Palestinian jihad. But the myth of the PA endured.

For the past six years, each bombing, every clear indication that the
PA itself is a terrorist entity is met by more breathless US
protestations of support for Palestinian empowerment and statehood.
The fact that the last six years have left the State Department
unfazed was made absolutely clear during Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice's visit last week.

Since Arafat appointed Mahmoud Abbas, his deputy of 40 years, PA
prime minister in 2003, the US has upheld Abbas as a man of peace, a
moderate and a respectable leader that the Bush administration wishes
to strengthen. To this end, the Bush administration has overlooked
Abbas's clear support for terrorism. It has excused his constant
appeals to merge his Fatah terror group with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
It has ignored the fact that his Fatah terror group has committed
more acts of terror than Hamas and that Fatah's involvement in terror
and the sophistication of its attacks has only increased since Abbas
replaced Arafat after the latter's death in November 2004.

During her visit last week, at Abbas's request, Rice was scheduled to
meet with Fatah commander Hussein a-Sheikh in the American Consulate-
General in Jerusalem. The meeting was cancelled at the last minute
when Israeli activists demanded that Sheikh, who was directly
responsible for the murder of dozens of Israelis and several American
nationals, be arrested by Israel police upon arrival at the
consulate. Yet, Rice still met with other Fatah leaders, like
Muhammad Dahlan who has been directly implicated in the murder of
Israelis in terror attacks perpetrated by men under his command.

EVEN MORE disturbingly, Rice has officially sanctioned a policy put
together by US Army Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton to expand by up to 70
percent Abbas's presidential guard and personal army, Force 17. The
administration wishes to raise some $20 million to fund the training
and arming and expansion of Abbas's army from 3,500 to 6,000
soldiers. This move comes after the US transferred 3,000 rifles and 1
million bullets to Force 17 in June. Yet Force 17 is a terrorist army
led by terrorists.

Right after he received the weapons shipment, Abbas appointed Mahmoud
Damra commander of the force. Damra, who like many of the Force 17
officers and soldiers, doubles as a Fatah terrorist, was wanted by
Israel due to his direct involvement in the terrorist murder of at
least 15 Israelis. One of his deputies claimed that the US rifles
were immediately used to attack a bus carrying Israeli school girls
in Judea.

Israel arrested Damra at a checkpoint shortly after he received
Abbas's appointment. The US immediately began pressuring Israel to
release him.

In addition to Damra's direct involvement in Fatah terror, he also
has close ties with Iran and Hizbullah. In 2002, Arafat reportedly
appointed him Force 17's liaison officer to Iran and Hizbullah
forces. The fact that Abbas appointed Damra Force 17's overall
commander just weeks before Fatah and Hamas began Iran's proxy war
against Israel by attacking the IDF position at Kerem Shalom and
kidnapping Cpl. Gilad Shalit, should say something about Abbas's
intentions. Yet, last week, Rice couldn't praise Abbas enough.

North Korea's nuclear test and Iran's nuclear intimidation show us
what happens when failed policies are not abandoned. Due in part to
its continued US-backed legitimacy, the PA is used by Pakistan as an
excuse for terror sponsorship and nuclear proliferation and by
jihadists throughout the world as justification for attacks on
Western and Jewish targets.

No doubt the North Korean nuclear test is a turning point in this
world war.

The question is whether it will force the US to finally part with
appeasement, or whether Rice will convince President Bush to take his
chances by repeating history a third and fourth time.


Caroline B. Glick is the senior Middle East Fellow at the Center for
Security Policy in Washington, DC and the deputy managing editor of
The Jerusalem Post.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Islamofascisim in your face!

Click here to watch islamofascism in action!

Today I discovered this video at Glenn Beck's web site. It's hard to believe there are people who can be so deceived, so full of hate and so narrow minded. It's hard for us who live in developed democracies to even comprehend such fundamentalistic, hateful worldview.

Seems like these radical Muslim ideologists are so brainwashed, they can never be part of a reasonable dialogue or seeking solutions for peaceful coexistence.

Seeing this video may help people understand little better Bono's appeal to coexist. I believe what the man is trying to say is: "Look, you may never embrace my faith and I may never embrace yours, but can we please not KILL EACH OTHER at least!"

I mean honestly, when you hear this preacher endorsing anti-semitism and the persecution of the Jews throughout history, how can you not see this is indeed an "islamofascist" agenda?! When president Bush used the term recently, people were going nuts, and yet, just listen and watch to this video.

I can't believe how this preacher actually endorses the Holocaust, saying it was because of the Jewish people and then he says "what they did to them was wrong".

Hello there, Mr. Palestinian islamofascist ideologist! Do you think we're so STUPID! You can talk this trash to you brainwashed flock, but do you think we can't see through your cheap populist maneuvering. The guy knows that for political reasons he can't say the Holocaust was good, so he throws is one totally fake "what the Germans did to them was wrong" and then shortly thereafter repudiates his one statement by saying the Jews deserved all this. What a wicked weasel!

And if it wasn't for the fact he's preaching to a bunch of dysfunctional, hateful losers, who obviously are full of hate just like him, then I suppose their agenda wouldn't have much advancement.

But yes, indeed! Just like the Communists and every other tyranny, they always succeed because the majority of people are just like what Jesus called them: sheep. The majority of those people are stupid like sheep and they are methodically brainwashed every Sunday or Friday, or whenever they have their services, listening to little Adolf Hitlers just like this one.

Still not clear where is the "Beast" in the Middle East?