Muslim demonstrators in London show what they stand for

The way to bring up True Muslims according to this Saudi Arabian TV. Brainwashing Muslim kids with the message of violence is the root cause of the "problem" of the Middle East.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Qur'an according to Elisson

This is a follow-up of my first article on the Keith Ellison's asking to swear over Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an.

I also encourage you to watch/listen to the ENHANCED podcast I published on including the interview with Dr. William Welty, who is very knowledgeable on all things Islam. With enhanced podcasts, you can click on the links you watch. Try it out, I think you'll like it.

In this posting I just want to give you the scoop of what appears to be a growing awareness over the Ellison swearing over the Qur'an story.

I want to highlight some things for you, in case you don't find the time to listen to the whole 30 minutes of the podcast.


We know there are have secular progressives and liberals who will do anything to eradicate and explain away the Christian foundations of the United States. We know they are revisionists.

Well, we have a new kid on the block - the Muslim camp!

Why am I saying this?

In my first January 7th posting, I told you that what Ellison is aiming at confusing the masses and somehow sneak into their minds the idea that may be, just may be the founding fathers of the United States were somehow influenced by Islam and considered the Qur'an as a divine book.

After all, the saying goes that he who controls the past, controls the future, right?

Now, at the time I wrote what I wrote, I HAD NO IDEA that Ellison had already actually said all of this HIMSELF! Openly and blatantly!

How do we know this?

WorldNetDaily just published an article in which they quote the Detroit FreePress article which quotes Ellison as saying that the Qur'an is: "definitely an important historical document in our national history and demonstrates that Jefferson was a broad visionary thinker who not only possessed a Quran, but read it...It would have been something that contributed to his own thinking."

This is what I say in my previous posting BEFORE I knew of this statement:

"Ellison can't change history. But what Ellison has attempted to achieve by asking to swear over Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an is to confuse the masses by simply giving publicity to the fact president Jefferson did have indeed a copy of the Qur'an. Taken out of context, this information can be confusing. Most people's lives are too busy and they get the bulk of their information about world events from 15 minutes of the evening news or a local newspaper whose lead story is on obesity among pets. Cheap populism thrives on and benefits from the ignorance of the masses. This is what Keith Ellison counts on.

It seems to me that Keith Ellison, shamelessly ignoring the historic context of Jefferson's owning the Qur'an, tried to further the Muslim agenda in the US and possibly try to introduce some revisionist version of US history in which Islam was part of the belief system of the founding fathers...."

The FreePress goes on to say: "But Ellison said Friday that Jefferson's Quran "shows that from the earliest times of this republic, the Koran was in the consciousness of people who brought about democracy."

I hate to say it, but this is clearly one of those..."I told you so" moments.



That's a good step forward. It's important we give voice to this story. The media must be educated of the TRUE history behind the Qur'an. WorldNetDaily backs up this interpretation of the origins of Jefferson's Qur'an. It's out duty to inform others and fight ignorance at all levels.

History can't be changed, but people's perception of it can be. The holocaust deniers know this and it gives them hope that they too can succeed in promoting their revisionist ideas.

In other words, it's our turn to raise our voices and shot: ALLAHU BARBAR!

Let's inform the world who were the Barbary Pirates, what they did (murder and enslave people) and how Jefferson had to fight with them.


It was interesting also to read in this WDN article how they quote another blogger who had also noticed with horror how the Ellison camp was cheering Allahu Akbar on election night.

This was a significant episode. If anyone happened to have recorded this on their VCR, DVD or TiVO, let me know and I'll personally assist you to see to it that this material be liberated to fly free on the web. Or if someone has already seen it online, forward it so we can start distributing it. One picture is worth thousand pictures. And if people get to hear also the shouts to Allah in the background, it will be a HUGE eye-opener to a lot of people.

And lastly, some of you actually wrote letters to Keith Ellison's office at the email address I provided. Way 2 go, folks!

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